What is OPG and Lateral/PA Ceph?
Panoramic radiographs, more commonly known as OPGs (orthopantomograms), are special panoramic pictures of your jaws. OPGs can be used for a variety of purposes, including impacted wisdom teeth, checking the development of teeth in children, and general screening as part of your dental check-up.
The Lateral Ceph is an image of the side of the face, and PA Cephs (or cephalometry examination) are a front view. These x-rays are used to check facial bones and occlusion, and they are often used in orthodontics.
Envision’s OPG and Ceph Equipment
While many radiology practices are digital, all Envision orthopantomogram (OPG) and cephalogram (Ceph) machines use only direct capture sensor technology, which are capable of producing some of the lowest radiation doses possible.
A radiographer will conduct your OPG or Lat/PA Ceph scan.
For an OPG you will remain standing as the OPG machine rotates once around your head, taking just 10-15 seconds to complete the scan.
For a Lateral or PA Ceph examination, you will remain standing as the machine obtains the image from the side or back. All you are required to do is to keep very still for the duration of the scan.
These dental imaging scans do not require any specific preparation. You will be asked to remove hearing aids, dental plates, and any metal or jewellery from your head and neck before your scan.
Please arrive 15 minutes before your appointment with your Medicare card and/or concession card, your referral, and any previous scans. If you have a child aged 6 or under, they must be supervised by an adult other than the patient.
OPG and Lateral or PA Ceph x-rays are very low risk procedures. Envision uses only direct-capture technology, which allows us to perform these x-rays using ultra low-dose radiation. You may wish to discuss these potential very low risks versus benefits of the x-ray with your referring doctor.
If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant, please discuss this with your doctor and also alert our staff before your scan.
After your scan you will be able to return to your normal daily activities.
The cost of dental imaging examinations depends on several factors, including the type of scan that has been requested. Please contact us and our friendly customer service team will be able to advise you any costs involved, including any out-of-pocket costs.
We recommend arranging alternative childcare for the day of your scan or bringing another adult with you to care for your child.
Children are not allowed in the examination room, and there is no supervision available in the waiting area.
Our staff need to maintain full focus during your examination to ensure the best possible care.