What is an X-Ray Scan?

A general x-ray scan is an image of the inside of the body taken using small rays of radiation energy. The radiation rays pass through the soft tissues and bone to different degrees, depending on the mass and composition of what is being imaged.   After they pass through the body, the x-rays hit a detector placed on the other side of the body. Bones, soft tissues and other internal features will appear in varying shades of grey depending on how much of the radiation they let through.

X-rays are one of the most common types of scans.  They are fast and effective for investigating bones and soft tissue including the chest, lungs and abdomen. In most cases, you do not have to make an appointment to have a general x-ray but depending on how busy the clinic is, you may have to wait a bit before having your examination.

Envision’s X-Ray Scanning Equipment

At Envision, we use advanced digital x-ray equipment to ensure you are exposed to the minimum amount of radiation needed to obtain adequate images.  New digital x-ray technology has improved the diagnostic quality of x-rays and significantly decreases the radiation dose required to form an image.


What happens during an X-ray scan?

A. Before your x-ray scan

What to bring

  • Your request form
  • Any relevant previous imaging
  • Your Medicare card and any concession cards

Preparation – the day of your procedure

No special preparation is required for most x-rays. The radiographer may ask you to change into a gown and remove jewellery, eyeglasses, and any metal objects that may obscure the x-rays before your examination.

If you are pregnant or suspect that you may be, you should tell your doctor or radiographer before the test is performed, as special precautions may have to be taken. Please bring any previous x-rays with you on the day of your examination.

B. During your scan

Your radiographer will position the relevant part of your body in front of the digital imaging plate and you will be asked to stay as still as possible while the image is being created.

General x-rays are typically very simple procedures and most examinations are completed within 10-15 minutes.  The examination will be performed by a radiographer, a trained medical technician who is tertiary qualified in the taking of x-rays and other diagnostic medical images.

Risks and side effects

Side effects from general x-rays are incredibly rare. During your examination, you will be exposed to a very small amount of radiation. The benefits of detecting disease are believed to far outweigh any potential risks from receiving such a small dose. Envision have rigorous protocols to ensure that the radiation dose given is the lowest possible dose to produce the diagnostic quality images.

If you are or think that you may be pregnant, it is essential that you tell our radiology team before your x-rays

Who will perform my X-ray?

The examination will be performed by a radiographer, a trained medical technician who is tertiary qualified in the taking of x-rays and other diagnostic medical images.


What happens after an X-ray?


You will be able to go about your daily activities after your appointment.

How do I get my results?

After your appointment, the information from your scan is interpreted by Envision’s Radiologist before delivery of a report to your doctor.