Urology Our Specialists Envision has a team of subspecialist Radiologists trained in the latest Urology treatment. Book an appointment today. Dr Tonya HallidayRadiologistDr Ronny LowRadiologist Urology Our Urology Imaging Services Urology imaging is performed by our...


Thoracic Imaging Our Specialists Envision has a team of subspecialist Radiologists trained in the latest thoracic imaging. Dr Brendan AdlerMedical DirectorDr Jerry MoschillaRadiologist and Nuclear Medicine SpecialistDr Tracey MuirRadiologist and Nuclear Medicine...


PET-CT stands for Positron Emission Tomography – Computed Tomography. PET-CT is a Nuclear Medicine procedure in which a small amount of a radioactive compound is injected into your body. Images are obtained which reflect the distribution of that compound throughout...


Envision is the premier provider of MRI scans in Perth. Magnetic Resonance Imaging or MRI scans are a way of creating pictures of your body that does not use X-rays or radiation. MRI uses a very powerful magnetic field in combination with a rapidly switching...


A Computed Tomography (CT) scan combines special X-ray equipment with powerful computers to produce multiple cross-sectional images of the inside of your body. CT images are very high resolution, generating up to 2000 images per scan. Our doctors carefully review...